How to use olive oil around the house?

Olive oil is used for cooking and salad dressings. It is delicious and healthy. However, there are many ways in which you can use olive oil around the house. Keep reading to find out the many helpful purposes of olive oil and how it will help you improve your life. Proffesional cleaners also use olive oil for some of their services.

Stop sticking

Coat measuring cups with a bit of olive oil. That way they will be able to easily release sticky foods and substances, such as honey, peanut butter, mustard, and others.

Shine stainless steel

Put a dab of olive oil on a soft cloth and rub stainless steel pots, pans, appliances, and sinks. That will prevent tarnishes, water spots, and corrosion.

Remove sticky labels

Cleaning sticky residue can be easy with the help of olive oil. Saturate paper labels and stickers with olive oil and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. After that, the sticker will be able to be peeled off easily and the item can be hand-washed. All remaining residue will be easily removed.

Keep pearls lustrous

Natural pearls can become dull looking. The cause of that may be makeup or soil. Do not use commercial cleaners since they may be too harsh and damage the delicate finish of the pearls. Rub them with a soft cloth, with some olive oil on it. Buff dry at the end. Do that on a regular basis in order to keep your pearls beautiful and shiny.

Remove tight rings from fingers

If a ring is stuck on your finger and will not come off, coat the finger and the ring with olive oil. Then slowly work it off. You should be able to remove it with ease.

Unstick a zipper

Dip a cotton ball in some olive oil and rub it over the teeth of the zipper. When coated, work the zipper up and down until it is unstuck and you are able to properly use it again.

Shine boots and shoes

Natural leather shoes and boots can be shined with a soft cloth and a bit of olive oil. Keep in mind that this should not be used on suede and other napped surfaces.

Razor blades

In order to protect razor blades, wipe them down with some olive oil on a cotton ball. That way you will help them last longer and prevent dullness and rusting.

Moisturise skin

Olive oil is a perfect natural lubricant. You can use it as a moisturiser for your dry cuticles or skin. You can also add a few drops of olive oil to your warm bath in order to soften your skin.

Fizz control

Comb a bit of olive oil through your dry hair in order to control frizz and flyaways. You can also rub some on the palms of your hands and run it through your hair. It will give it a natural shine, control all frizziness and make your hands softer.

Easily remove makeup

Dabs of olive oil can easily remove heavy makeup. It will leave your skin clean, soft, and moisturised. It is particularly good for mascara and eyeliner because it will also moisturise your eyelashes and keep them healthy and thick.

Remove tough stains from skin and hair

Cleaning oil paint or other tough stains is nearly impossible. However, olive oil is great for removing gum and paint from your hair or skin. Coat the area with olive oil and slowly work the sticky, stubborn mess out with a tissue. For extra hard-to-remove stains like hair dye, car grease, tar, and permanent marker ink, make a soft scrub by mixing olive oil and a bit of sugar.

For squeaky hinges

A few drops of olive oil, or a quick spritz, will silence any squeaky hinges you may have at home. Use this on doors, cabinets, appliances, and car doors.

Remove water rings

Bring back the beautiful look of wooden furniture and wood by using a bit of olive oil. That way, you will be able to easily remove water rings and fix small scratches. Apply with a soft cloth, then buff with a dry rag. Olive oil is the perfect wooden furniture polish. Simply mix ¼ cup of olive oil, 4 tbsp of distilled white vinegar, and 2 tsp of lemon juice. Store in a refrigerator.

Leather conditioner

Perfect for leather furniture, coats, shoes, baseball mitts, and other leather items. Buff with a few drops of olive oil and a soft cloth after cleaning or whenever you think needed.

Protect garden tools

Olive oil will protect wooden tool handles from drying and splitting. Coat metal tools to prevent rust, dirt, and snow from sticking to them. That will work perfectly to keep the moving parts of pliers and clippers operating smoothly. You can protect wooden outdoor furniture as well.

Invigorate plants

Keep ferns and palms lush. By adding two tablespoons of olive oil to the base of the plant once per month, the plants will grow healthy, shiny, and beautiful.

Get rid of mosquitoes

Pour a little bit of olive oil into rain barrels. It will float all the way to the tip and prevent mosquitoes from breeding.