Uses for essential oils around the house

There are many scented commercial cleaning products on the market. However, they usually use artificial aromas and can contain harsh and even toxic chemicals. If you are trying to steer clear of regular cleaning products and decided to take on a green cleaning approach, you might already know that essential oils are a huge part of natural cleaning solutions and homemade products. They come in a wide variety of scents and each has amazing properties that you can pick, depending on your best interest. The best part is, essential oils are easy to find and inexpensive. We will show you what amazing uses you can find for essential oils around the house, as well as what are the special properties of some of the most common aromas used in natural cleaning. You will be surprised how useful they can be for cleaning, freshening, scenting, and calming your mind and body.
Keep reading to see how to implement those amazing natural oils in your household, as well as which oil will help you achieve your goals.

1. Don’t let the bugs bite – If you have pests at home, do not hurry to get poisons or traps. To repel common household pests like mice, spiders, and other bugs, just place a few drops of peppermint essential oils on cotton balls and place them anywhere where you have seen pests or signs of any bugs, spiders, etc. If you are wondering how that works, it is very simple – those little creatures simply cannot stand the smell of peppermint oil and will stay away for good. Whenever the cotton balls stop smelling, remove them and place fresh ones. That will also give your place a nice, fresh scent that you will enjoy.

2. Get a good night’s sleep – If you have been struggling with your sleep, you may have tried sleeping pills or other remedies. However, essential oils can help you get in a sweet-smelling bed and experience a spa-like atmosphere that will help you relax and feel amazing in your own bed. Simply fill an old, clean spray bottle with a cup of water and add a few drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil. Keep in mind that citrusy scents may keep you energised and awake. You can also add a few drops of those essential oils to your laundry load.

3. Clean your house – If you are needing some extra power when cleaning around the house, turn to tea tree oil. If you have been making any homemade cleaning products, you probably noticed that this type of essential oil is commonly used in recipes. Mix one teaspoon of tea tree essential oil with one cup of water and spray it on the surface you want to clean. Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties and will help disinfect the surface. What is more, it will help with reducing mould and mildew growth.

4. Refresh your bathroom – Is your bathroom smelling musty? It can sometimes be hard to keep that area of your house smelling good. However, there is a simple trick for that using essential oil. You can pick any type of essential oil (choose the scent you love the most). Add a few drops to the side of your toilet paper roll and every time someone unrolls squares the whole bathroom will be filled with a nice, fresh scent.

5. Mask food smells – If you are expecting guests and just spend hours cooking, your kitchen may be filled with all kinds of food smells (not all of them may be pleasant). However, if you want to invite your guests into a clean and fresh-smelling space, add some of your favourite essential oil into a pot of simmering water on the stove. It will banish any unpleasant, heavy smells like fried food, fish, or intense spices.

6. Personalise your laundry scent – Everybody loves a fresh-smelling laundry load. You can personalise the aroma of your clothes when cleaning them by simply adding a few drops of the essential oil of your choice to a clean cloth or towel and throwing it in the dryer along with your clean, wet clothes. It will add a beautiful, subtle aroma to your clothes, without any harsh or artificial ingredients and chemicals.

7. Freshen your carpets – Carpets can get dirty and smelly over time. You can easily vacuum it but that will not remove any unpleasant odours. What is more, cleaning it with a vacuum cleaner that smells old and musty can make it even worse. To freshen up the scent of your vacuum cleaner, add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to a small piece of tissue and suck it up. Whenever you use your vacuum, you will be able to smell the oil. You can also add a few drops to the vacuum filter instead (if it has one). That completely depends on you.