How to clean a suitcase after a long vacation?

We all want to take some time off once in a while and the well-deserved vacation is a real godsend. Whether you decide to travel abroad or within the country, your fellow suitcase will carry everything you need and eventually end up being your best friend.
However, a suitcase goes through a lot during a vacation (especially if you frequently change location, hotels, etc.). There are many things that will affect the cleanliness and overall condition of your suitcase. Those would be the weather, the terrain you are dragging it around on, the types of transportation you are using, etc. A suitcase that has been brought to a hotel room by car and stayed in during the whole holiday will probably need less cleaning than a suitcase that has been dragged on public transport, in small streets, mud, etc.

In both cases, you will need to give it a good cleaning as soon as you get home. Cleaning a suitcase will not only help it last longer and maintain its good condition but also save you time next time you decide to go off for a few weeks. In this article, we will talk about the most essential parts that need to be cleaned, as well as how to do that in the best way possible. Keep reading to find out how to get rid of scuff marks, stains, and other unsightly spots.

Cleaning the inside of your suitcase

First, remove all pockets and smaller bags that go into your suitcase (shoe bags, makeup bags, laptop cases, etc.). You can wash those in the washing machine later. Once you are done with that, begin removing your luggage. take out the pieces one by one and shake out the dirt. Once your suitcase is completely empty, shake all the dust, dirt, and particles from it as well. Take it to a bathtub, or a garden hose if you have one. To clean, prepare some soapy water and grab a couple of soft cloths. Dip one of them in plain water and dampen the inside of the suitcase. With the other one, rub soapy water and gently scrub at any areas that may need more attention. Try to not oversaturate the fabric with soap. It will be hard to remove and any residue will turn sticky once it dries and attract even more grime and dirt. For any stubborn stains or spills on the inside, use a toothbrush and scrub them.

Cleaning the outside of a suitcase

Fabric and soft-sided suitcases
Remove any outside pockets or attachments like your nylon or polyester bags and wash them separately.
To begin cleaning, take a wet cloth (ideally a microfiber cloth) and wipe over the entire outside of the case, ensuring sure it’s damp enough to remove dust and debris.
Next, spray one side of the case with foam fabric cleanser, an upholstery shampoo, or mild soap until the entire side is white with foam. It is preferable to clean the front of the suitcase first. Use a scrub brush to work the cleaning solution into the fabric and ensure proper cleaning. After you can see that the soap has restored the case’s colour and removed the marks and stains, remove the fabric cleaner using a wet and dry vacuum. Rep on the opposite side.
Then, using a moist towel, wipe the case’s handles, wheels, and any other plastic pieces.
After you’ve removed all of the dirt and stains, place the bag in a warm and airy location, such as a shaded outside balcony. Avoid direct sunlight. Allow the case to air dry by leaving it open on its back. It will take several hours to dry completely.

Hard-sided luggage
Cleaning a hard-sided suitcase is generally a lot easier. You will need to make a soapy solution again but only use a sponge or a microfiber cloth. Wipe down the whole exterior of your suitcase and focus on the areas that are stained or have discolouration. Make sure you dry the outside with a dry soft microfiber cloth since water spots may occur otherwise.

For scratches on the plastic parts
If you have any scratches on the plastic edges, handles, and other parts, follow these steps to get rid of them:

  • To restore the black colour of the plastic, rub some olive oil over it. If the exterior is cloth, be careful not to get it on the rest of your suitcase.
  • Plastic trim restorer – This product may be found in most car garages. To recolor and erase scratches from the plastic, rub it with the black paste.
  • Heat gun – Blast the plastic with a heat gun until it softens and the scratches disappear.

Extra tip: To prevent your suitcase from becoming extra dirty and maintain its good condition for longer, invest in a suitcase cover. They come in many colours and styles. Make sure you will not be needing the belongings inside your suitcase if using such a cover.